About PC Pros

About PC Pros… Well, I started this business in 1988.  Originally a motorcycle mechanic, I started working on computers in 1979 writing my first program to track Apple Picker Inventory on an Atari 800.  It’s been a few years since, a number of college courses completed,  now with the experience of having worked in many business models all across the US.  Numerous medical and legal services, broadcasting still store systems for Sony of America, motorcycle service scheduling for a Honda dealership, nuclear spare parts for CE, farm equipment inventory, transportation logistics for TransAdvo Transportation and Advo Direct Mail Services – USPS Drop Ship Program.  PC Pros had up to 5 employees in the 1990’s to design and deploy the pc based logistics system, Transport, that received Advo’s weekly mainframe program data, build truck load data and route these trucks to final postal destination in order to benefit from USPS Drop Ship Rates that went into effect in 1991.  Since 2000 PC Pros has supported various business models primarily machine shops with computer  hardware and software solutions.  JobShop is a job tracking software that PC Pros has developed and supported since 2003.  Written in .NET, using MS SQL Server it very powerful tool to manage machine shop job ticketing, time sheets, invoicing and reporting.  The  latest version now supports Quickbooks customer and invoice creation from JobShop itself. 

PC Pros has the experience to provide a wide array of products and services :



  • CAT6  Installation
  • Microsoft Server 2019 installation, configuration and management
  • Windows 10, OSX  & Linux  
  • .NET, C#, VB Programming
  • Remotix – Remote Computer Training & Support


  • Amazon Web Services Support – S3 Storage, Route 53
  • Google GSuite Support
  • Website WordPress Design & Support
  • Local & Cloud Backup Solutions